Recent content by Actionjick

  1. Actionjick

    Getting Newer and Younger players into ASL

    I was thinking about this and decided it was a very good idea. Then I told Captain Bacchus that they should just reissue Squad Leader. He said if the issue is cost for young people then pare it down to bare bones. Board 1. The rules from SL to play the first three scenarios. The counters to...
  2. Actionjick

    Getting Newer and Younger players into ASL

    The world population is slightly over eight billion. Let's say three billion are of the age to play ASL. Going with the estimate of fifteen thousand ASL players worldwide that's 0.000005 percent of the world population that play ASL. Not bad for a niche game.
  3. Actionjick

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

    Suffering Bastard by The Hula Girls
  4. Actionjick

    Getting Newer and Younger players into ASL

    The monetary issue can't be overlooked. These days ASL seems to be a rather expensive hobby especially for young people without much disposable income.
  5. Actionjick

    How many ASL players are there worldwide?

    Yes trying to figure the percentage of players who respond to the Map, the Forum or even know or care about such online resources is difficult. Ten to fifteen percent sounds reasonable.
  6. Actionjick


    Women! Can't live with them, can't have heterosexual sex without them. Dedicated to my young coworker.
  7. Actionjick

    How many ASL players are there worldwide?

    Very nice looking at the players map. That didn't occur to me at all. 😊 OMOOT.
  8. Actionjick

    Getting Newer and Younger players into ASL

    The onus is really upon MMP to attract young players to ASL. The community can contribute to a small degree but MMP should take the lead.
  9. Actionjick

    How many ASL players are there worldwide?

    That's what I was thinking also. The percentage of those who bought BV and stuck with the game has to be very low if personal experience means much. Between Fish and I we introduced about seven people to ASL. None of them kept at it for two years and we only lasted about ten. That is a rather...
  10. Actionjick

    The Gamer's Significant Other

    Bitd Actiondebbie was a pretty good backgammon player and would frequently beat me. That and Frisbee golf were about the only games we really played together. She was quite good at that too.
  11. Actionjick

    The Gamer's Significant Other

    Well done to you and your girlfriend. Coworker is trying to interest his girlfriend into playing some easy games but he tends to beat her quite consistently. If he doesn't go all out she accuses him of letting her win and gets upset. Lol.
  12. Actionjick

    How many ASL players are there worldwide?

    The getting young people to play ASL thread brought this to mind although I have pondered on it from time to time. ASL is such a niche game that there can't be that many players. Just as a wild a$$ guess I would say 50,000 based on absolutely no data at all. Any ideas or guesses are...
  13. Actionjick

    BOXCARS in life

    Get well soon! Stairs and throw rugs are out to get you. Us oldsters beware.
  14. Actionjick

    Getting Newer and Younger players into ASL

    Young coworker's twety one year old brother is working with us for the summer. Smart guy also taking classes at Kent. I asked him about technology fatigue and he had never heard of it but acknowledged experiencing it.
  15. Actionjick

    The Gamer's Significant Other

    Young coworker is now hearing " all you do is play that video game ". LMAO!